Historical photos of Warburton VIC 3799 - Warburton Chalet and last Warburton train

Historical photos of Warburton have been supplied by local photographers. Thanks to their photography years ago and their scanning and emailing today - we can share local history and provide a window back in time to past days of Warburton. We welcome stories about these pictures and new pictures and stories. We have already established our Warburton Train murals page - so this new historical photos page will work with that existing resource.

  • Warburton Chalet - Outside - Including tennis court
    Supplied by John Paske who writes: Photos were "Post Cards" purchased by my mother (Mrs Mable Paske) at the chalet. On the back of each card is the manufacturer's name "Rose Stereo Graph Co" from Armadale Victoria. I can only guess that the date would be around Christmas 1955 to 1959.


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